Bimbo girl forever

Bimbo girl forever

According to the Oxford dictionary definition, bimbo girls are very egotistical young persons only interested in superficial things, looks, trends, television series, etc. They are in their teens and at one point usually they evolve towards adulthood. Although there are exceptions.

And this is the topic of the day (it is confinement Covid times, hence we have a moment to explore this serious question).

Yes, I met an exception. It is rare. She was in her late sixties but as she suggested (after playing the usual naïve and ridiculous game - how old do you think I am?) she looked more than twenty years younger than her real age. Sure, if it makes her happy to think so (maybe there are no mirrors in her bathroom).

Maybe she thought that dressing like a teenager will fool people. Holes in her tight jeans per example.

Bimbo girls spend all their money on their bodies. White teeth (most important: when you have white teeth (we mean ultra white), no need to be able to carry an interesting conversation, white teeth are good enough - this is their credo - smile, just smile), nails, hair, clothes, sport activities, etc. No money left for books.

When chatting with bimbo girls and trying to elevate the conversation a bit, hoping not to get bored too quickly, be careful. Make sure you stick to fairly basic topics and basic vocabulary or you'll lose them pretty quickly. And forget about subjects which appeal to notions of geography, history, literature, poetry, science, arts and culture, except maybe cinema (Hollywood movies).

Bimbo girls do not know what is really going on outside the little circle of the same type of persons that constitute their entire universe and with whom they chat and carry small talk conversations and gossiping on a non-stop basis.

Bimbo girls are very connected. To their screens, we know that, although they never heard the word "documentary", and to their phones.

Bimbo girls have the word "millionaire" at the tip of their tongues all the time. In the hope the universe will align the future in their favor. 

It might make you smile when you observe this type of behavior in a teenage girl. But when it's a sixty-year-old woman, you have only one option: find the nearest bridge and jump (before the urge to strangle the woman arises in your mind as a powerful, uncontrollable wave hits the coast during hurricane season). Save yourself a jail sentence. Although, be reassured that the judge will not hesitate to grant you the benefit of mitigating circumstances.

Well! We had fun writing this - It killed an hour or so of confined time. Quite an achievement!

But please show a minimum of pity for these poor women. They do not have the capacity to experience the endless pleasure of participating in enlightening discussions with intellectually curious and educated people.

Disclaimer: Any resemblance to existing or former persons would be purely fortuitous. Of course!


Read also:
The body or the mind (and the white teeth syndrome)
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